Sunday, June 21, 2015

We're Moving

It seems that we're at it again...change that is.  When we moved here in 2012, we purchased a piece of property that was about 50' wide by 100' deep. It had a large fifth wheel on it which we were given.  After my husband lost his job, we got knocked off our feet and it gave us a chance to get back up and start over.  It definitely wasn't perfect but we loved the wooded area surrounding it because it had the feeling of seclusion and privacy...but as winter came and the bushed between our neighbor and us lost a good chunk of their leaves and there it was, a house, not far from us.  As time went on, we had Kaylee and things became more and more crowded. 

Back in December we were forced to move from our old office due to mildew in the ceiling and a leaky roof.  We were able to purchase our own office space which was nice but of course leasing a space in a large building vs. buying your own large building has a definite increase in price.  One of the things we have been trying to avoid is being in debt, especially in any large amount.  Being members of the LDS faith, we believe that it is best to stay out of debt.  The church website states...

"Since the early days of the Church, the Lord's prophets have repeatedly warned against the bondage of debt. One of the great dangers of debt is the interest that accompanies it. When it is necessary to incur debt, such as a reasonable amount to purchase a modest home or to complete one's education, the debt should be repaid as quickly as possible."

 In the last week we have spent time praying for guidance as far as what we should do.  Now that we have chickens, we want more...more space to raise our own livestock and grow our own fruits and vegetables, and overall, more room to be self sufficient, but we can't do all of that where we are.  We have decided to move into our office as it is quite large and has plenty of room (larger than our old house).  We knew when we bought it that it wasn't set up to live in, sure it has a 3/4 bath and a 1/2 bath but it doesn't have a full kitchen and we would have to rewire/remodel everything to fit in a stove/oven.  As we have felt this great desire to be out of debt we have found ways to work around that by using an electric skillet, something we already do for breakfasts and lunch and a convection oven.  Our goal is to take the money we would be spending on our property here and put it into the office so we can pay it off faster and start looking for something that would fit our long term goals more. 

The last week for me has consisted of washing, drying, folding and putting every article of clothing, bedding, etc. we own in a tote...well, okay, I'm still at it. We had a moth that laid eggs on our screen door a year ago and they hatched before I realized what it was. Just when we thought we'd gotten rid of all the moths inside, we found more that were sneaking in around the screen anytime we opened up our kitchen window.  Ahhhhhhh  So, needless to say, to keep them from going with us to the office, I'm washing EVERYTHING.

Yesterday, Alex came home during the day and worked on cleaning up around the property.  He took the weed eater and cut back a lot of the brush while some of the young men from church came and helped mow the lawn. It gave the property a more open/bigger look for when we list it. We have a guy coming Tuesday morning to buy and pick up the carport from out back.  Our goal is to most of the way out of here by mid week. I will still have to come back and forth to take care of the chickens until we can get a coop built for them out back of the office. 

I have to say that this wasn't in our fact, it was something that we went back and forth about many times trying to decide whether to keep the property and just rent it our, or sell it and move on. I can't wait for the day that we can purchase another piece of property and build our very modest dream home.  Until then, this will help us to follow the guidance we've been given while giving the kids (and ourselves) room. I know that following the promptings we've been given leads to blessings that we can't always see.  Sometimes, you must sacrifice good for something better and then you must sacrifice the better for the best.  As for now, we're stuck at home with two kids and Alex not feeling good.  Praying that some extra sleep will do them all some good because we have a busy week ahead of us.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A fresh start

Our life seems to be a roller coaster ride and I'm so grateful that we're doing this as a family.  After our leaky roof and broken plumbing issue, we were ready for a new start and we've had it after a few more trials.

We're definitely learning that Heavenly Father's time is perfect and that we must have complete faith in his plan for us.  During the whole process of putting in an offer on the building, we had a lawyer who did nothing but cause problems.  Our intention was to be out of our old office by February 1st but the lawyer worked as hard as he could to push it out as far as possible.  We were getting worried as we told our landlord that we would be out by the end of February.

On February 9th we signed and after meeting with the lawyer and the seller one last time, he signed on February 12th.  It was cutting it close as my parents and brother's were coming up to help us move that weekend.

We spent Friday over at the new office working on the shower (there was no hot water) and cleaning a bit.  Apparently the valve that came with the shower blocked all hot water which would make for an awful cold shower for any guest that came up.  We ended up running to home depot and buying a whole new fixture to get the thing working since they no longer carry that specific valve assembly.

The next day we went over to the new office and started getting things vacuumed and ready for things to be moved in.  My family arrived and helped us continue cleaning and setting up.  Our first few trips to the old office were to pick up largest furniture along with any little things we could stuff amongst them in my parents jeep and our trailer.  I was so grateful to my brother's who stayed at the new office with Luke so that we had extra space to carry things back and forth.

After the first night, Kaylee flopped down on the floor.  
Poor girl was exhausted from running all over all day long.

The long hallway.  No wonder why the kids slept so well.

*SQUISH* hugs. 

After we started moving things in, we realized we had a dilemma. The outlet that we were going to use for the servers was not one, but two 20 amp breakers. All of the other outlets in the room were tied to my office and the one in the kitchen.  If I were to turn the burner on to make candles, I would easily pop the breaker so we had to rethink our plans and move Alex to another room.
Kaylee was playing in Daddy's new office.

Nothing is better than running back and 
forth with boxes when you're a little kid. 

My mom helped me set up this set of candles.  
I had to wait till Monday when I went to work to 
pick up another pack of drywall anchors to hang up 
my melts board.  I think it turned out pretty good. 

My family left on Monday shortly after I got back from work.  Thanks to them, we had 99% of our stuff out of the old office and into the new.  On Tuesday we ran back over to the old office with a few boxes, loaded up the remaining stuff, vacuumed, and locked up.  It felt SOOOOOO good to be out of there. 

The Classroom
We got the projector hanging up. 

The Meeting Room
People can rent out this space for meetings.

The Front Desk
This is our front counter where we intake and send out computers. 
We've added a little more to it since this picture was taken. 

The Waiting Area
Grab a chair and take a seat while we look over the computer... 

The Sales Room
Space for vendors to rent out and sell crafts.

Our most recent venture is getting signage up.  I've spent the last two days working on putting together my banners (between the green & blue flag).  Alex helped me put them up today!!!  

The flags in themselves have caught a lot of new attention already.  We are having our grand re-opening ribbon cutting this coming Saturday.  

Luke has been begging me to put names on the doors to their playrooms.  I finally did it today. 

Kaylee's girly font and a flower.

Luke's handwriting turned into big bold 
print along with a grasshopper I designed. 

Well its been a long day and tomorrow won't be any different so until then, I'm off to bed.  I will keep everyone posted on the ribbon cutting!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Where there are trials, there are also blessings

In mid-December I was sitting on the floor working on a Christmas gift for Luke when I felt like a drip of water hit my head.  Being inside, it took me a minute to realized something really did hit my head.  I looked up only to realize there was a drop of water getting ready to fall.  We were in the middle of a storm that included a lot of wind and rain.  There had been water damage to the ceiling from the past but we figured the problem had been resolved and just never repainted.  I called our landlord's daughter (our point of contact) and told her what was wrong.  She said she would return my call after getting a hold of her dad.

Right before we left for our week long vacation for Christmas, I was at work for training and I got a text from Alex saying that the ceiling had cracked and a bunch of water poured in. We were all frustrated at this point.  A couple days later a chunk of the ceiling (a little larger than a golf ball) fell in showing us not just the amount of moisture that was up there, but also the black mold.  We ended up calling the landlord's daughter again and let her know the condition had worsened.  Since drips were coming down in multiple spots, Alex tacked a garbage bag up and poked a single hole in the middle of the bag to help it all drain to a central location (a bucket on the floor). We finally made the decision that it was time to move and started looking for other buildings, in the end coming back to one we had looked at multiple times before. 

Since our business is the main source of income for our family and we don't have anyone to run our shop, vacations are not only short, but few and far between.  Our business had grown in leaps and bounds recently and allowed us to take a full week off for Christmas.  We got to go down and visit with family and friends around the Portland area.  Minus the driving, the kids loved it and it was nice to take a break from our daily routine.

We had breakfast with Grammie Sanford on Christmas Eve and then went over to the Johnson's side for dinner. 

Kaylee loved playing with Grandma Johnson's candles. 
It even looks like she was trying to light one with the other.

Luke was super excited to get to see everyone and open his gifts.

Luke got a Jake and the Neverland Pirates set of blocks.  
Him and Kaylee sat on the floor playing with them together. 

On Christmas morning we had breakfast and opened up gifts with my parents and brothers before heading out to the Jordan's house.

Kaylee wasn't too sure about this (doll) sippy
Grandma & Grandpa got her, nothing would come out.

Luke and Kaylee each got their first pair of real cowboy/cowgirl 
boots from their Uncle Josh.  Luke thought they were the 
greatest thing because they were like Uncle Josh's.

Kaylee loved crawling around in the tunnel at 
Uncle Duane & Aunt Joyce's house.

For Christmas dinner we went out to GGma's. 
Kaylee had a lot of fun going in circles with her new stroller. 

The next day we went over to Vancouver to see Bonnie.  Luke loves going to Bonnie's house and Kaylee found lots of stuff she could get into.   That evening for dinner we went to Kevin & Holley's.  While all the big people's were playing ping pong, Kaylee found this toy shotgun in the big bucket...hmmm, she must be mine. 

Luke & Papa were playing with the nurf guns and darts. 
Luke would shoot the dart and Papa would catch it. 
He would giggle and squeal.  


When we got back from our little vacation, the roof and ceiling had still not been repaired and we knew it was time to start moving forward with things.  In the middle of January we put an offer in on this building we had been looking at and waited to see what would happen. 

When we came into the office a week ago Monday, our toilet was draining really slow and by Tuesday, it was not flowing at all, in fact, any time you ran water in the sink, the toilet would over flow. We tried plunging, snaking, and even CO2 blasting the dang thing but nothing worked.  On Wednesday morning we called our landlord's daughter and let her know. On Thursday a plumber stopped by to look at the problem and we were told we had a broken pipe under the building...YUCK.

 At this point both us and the buyer have signed the offer and we just completed the inspection and will hopefully be closing on the property this coming weekend.  Our hope is to be out of our current building and into the new one by mid February.  When we get moved in, I will post pictures.